it is the end.
we have fallen to fascism.
our systems have collapsed. all checks and all balances are owned by oligarchs.
the united states is fast tracking genocide. we are creating concentration camps.
"we the people" are responsible. and "we the people" must be the solution.
so, we the people must move organize rapidly to stop the onslaught.
we the people must come together to protect our neighbors.
we must allow truth to be spoken to power, and we must be speak against all corruption.
we the people must stand between the barrels of their guns and the chests of humanity.
we the people must own where we have failed, and rise to correct course and rebuild.
we the people must commune to provide, as we are able, for ourselves and for one another.
no one is coming to save us. so we must save ourselves.
we must let our actions be hard and our hearts be tender.
we must care for one another.
we must resist.
love defeats hate.
community defeats corruption.
truth defeats fascism.