checks and balances

they are pulling the pillars out from under us.

checks and balances are not abstract ideas. they are the foundation of every democracy that has ever survived. they are the difference between a government that serves its people and one that devours them. when they fall, history tells us exactly what happens next.

rome collapsed when the balance of power between the senate, the consuls, and the people disintegrated, when julius caesar declared himself above the law and the republic crumbled into dictatorship. the weimar republic fell when hitler dismantled its legal institutions, stacked the courts, and made the legislative body a hollow tool of his rule. russia turned into an oligarchy when putin seized control over the media, stripped power from local governments, and placed loyalists in every major state institution.

this is not theoretical. this is not paranoia. this is how democracies die.

executive power is expanding beyond its limits. project 2025 outlines a plan for the president to seize near-total control over the federal government, stripping away the independence of agencies meant to operate outside political influence. the department of justice, the fbi, and the intelligence community will no longer serve the country. they will serve the presidency. once that happens, there is no law left that cannot be ignored. (

career civil servants are being purged. those who have dedicated their lives to maintaining government stability, enforcing regulations, and protecting the public are being removed and replaced with loyalists. this has happened before. nazi germany replaced thousands of bureaucrats with party members, ensuring no one within the system could oppose their plans. turkey did the same after the 2016 coup attempt, removing thousands of judges and state employees to create a government that could not challenge erdoğan. (

congress is losing its power. by bypassing legislative approval and consolidating financial control under the executive, the administration is ensuring that policy decisions will no longer be debated. they will be dictated. this is how authoritarian regimes function. in 1933, the reichstag was reduced to a rubber-stamp body for hitler’s decrees. today, in hungary, viktor orbán’s party has rewritten the constitution to cement permanent control. (

the judiciary is being reshaped. new judges are being selected not for their impartiality, but for their loyalty to the ideology of absolute executive power. this is how erdoğan destroyed turkey’s judicial independence, how russia turned its courts into a tool for punishing dissent, how every dictatorship has ensured that laws mean nothing unless they serve those in power. (

the press is being targeted. journalists are being threatened, major news organizations are being discredited, and public broadcasting is being defunded. the first step in silencing opposition is always to control the flow of information. in venezuela, hugo chávez replaced independent media with state propaganda. in china, news is government-controlled, and information about state corruption disappears overnight. (

federal law enforcement is being politicized. those who investigate corruption and uphold the law are under attack, while the administration expands powers for military and paramilitary policing. this is how democratic backsliding turns into full authoritarian rule. it is how the gestapo rose in nazi germany, how putin’s secret police silence critics, how dictators maintain power not through laws, but through fear.

state and local governments are losing autonomy. by cutting federal funding to states that refuse to comply with federal policies, the administration is ensuring that dissenting state governments are starved of resources. this is not governance. this is coercion. this is how putin weakened the power of russian provinces, how china forces compliance from hong kong, how every autocrat ensures that local leaders serve only one master.

if these patterns seem familiar, it is because they are. history is repeating itself, and the consequences will be the same if people do not act.

once checks and balances are gone, they do not come back. once power is consolidated, it is not given up willingly. no country believes it will fall until it does. no people believe they will lose their democracy until they wake up and find it gone.

refuse to be silent. expose every abuse of power. demand accountability from every branch of government. fight for every remaining safeguard. protect the institutions that still function. support independent journalism. push back against the erosion of legal and constitutional norms.

democracies only survive when people fight for them. they only die when people let them.