work is supposed to provide stability, but under the current fascist regime, it is becoming something else entirely. labor is being stripped down to its rawest form: a resource to be used until there is nothing left. if you are not contributing to maximum labor for the fewest dollars, the government does not want you alive.
labor protections are being eliminated. employers are gaining more power to cut wages, ignore safety standards, and overwork employees with no consequences. unions, the last real force protecting workers, are being dismantled. without them, wages will stagnate, benefits will disappear, and any attempt to demand better conditions will be met with retaliation.
you are nothing if you do not provide stakeholder value. under late-stage capitalism, the goal is no longer to support a functioning society. it is to extract as much labor as possible for as little cost as possible. that is why the retirement age is being pushed higher while social security is being cut. you will work until your body breaks, and then you will be discarded.
paid leave is under attack, making it even harder for workers to care for themselves or their families. minimum wage protections are being weakened, ensuring that even as the cost of living skyrockets, pay stays the same. corporate taxes continue to shrink while the tax burden shifts to the working and middle class. the ones making billions are rewarded. the ones doing the labor are left with less.
the gig economy is becoming the new norm. protections for contract workers are being eroded, leaving more people in unstable jobs with no benefits, no healthcare, and no safety net. healthcare itself is becoming even more deeply tied to employment, ensuring that quitting a job or getting laid off means losing access to medical care. you will be forced to stay, no matter the conditions, because leaving will mean choosing between survival and sickness.
workplace safety is being deprioritized. fewer inspections, weaker penalties, and reduced enforcement are leading to more injuries and deaths. when the government sees labor as disposable, protecting workers is unnecessary. the only thing that matters is profit.
this is not about strengthening the economy. this is about power. oligarchs use people until there is nothing left. this system does not exist to support you. it exists to take from you.
if workers do not push back, there will be no reason for those in power to stop. fight for labor protections. support unions. demand fair wages. organize, because they do not expect you to. they are counting on exhaustion. they are counting on compliance. they are counting on people believing that this is just how things are.
but nothing about this is inevitable. nothing about this is unchangeable. they will take as much as they are allowed to take. do not let them.