
children are not assets. they are not labor. they are not bargaining chips for politicians to use while they cut funding for food, healthcare, and education. yet time and time again, those in power reveal what they really think.

a sitting congressperson openly said, “every woman owes this country an able-bodied laborer.” this is not about valuing life. this is about forcing women into breeding for the state. this is about controlling bodies, about ensuring there are enough workers to exploit, enough soldiers to send to war, enough people trapped in an economy that sees them as disposable.

tom cotton once said, “the cries of a small child is answered prayer.” yet he pushes policies that rip healthcare away from children, that cut school meals, that make it easier for guns to enter classrooms. he and those like him do not see children as people. they see them as assets, as economic units to be used, as bodies to fill quotas.

if they truly cared about children, they would fight to keep them safe. they would fund their schools instead of starving them. they would make sure every child has healthcare instead of watching them die from treatable illnesses. they would make sure no child goes hungry instead of gutting school meal programs.

they would not weaken child labor laws to send children into factories and slaughterhouses, exposing them to injury and death just so corporations can save money. they would not remove protections for abused and neglected kids, letting them suffer in silence. they would not ban books that help children understand themselves, then criminalize the parents who seek gender-affirming care to save their kids' lives.

they will force every child into existence, then abandon them. they will call a fetus sacred but let a breathing, laughing, growing child suffer if it does not fit into their plans. they will look at a child’s hunger, sickness, pain, and see not a person in need, but a statistic to be managed.

children deserve better. they deserve to grow into who they are meant to be, not forced into roles that serve the state. they deserve care, protection, and love, not policies that treat them as tools.

we protect our children by fighting back. we remove those who put them in danger. they have made it clear that their goal is not to protect life, but to control it. they do not deserve power. they do not deserve trust. they do not deserve a say in the future of our children.

they have shown us who they are. now it is time to show them that we will not allow this. not to our kids. not ever.